Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is an enchanting and enigmatic game, developed by Starbreeze Studious, in collaboration with Swedish film director Josef Fares. Brothers is a story-driven game that revolves around, you've guessed it, two brothers on a journey to find a cure for their father's illness.
The mysteriousness of this game's world is really fascinating, no explanation is presented to the player. you'll just have to follow your own instincts in solving puzzles which makes the game even more enchanting. Not to mention the clean and charming visuals which gives it a fairy tale-esque vibe. Though as expected from a downloadable title, Brothers will end sooner than you think.
Think of Brothers as an interactive storybook. It features no scores, no items to acquire, or any challenge for that matter; so placing a hud would be illogical. Its all in the player's experience, as you journey the brothers to the very end. And at every end of a tale there is always a lesson to learn. And Brothers is no exception.
PS: This site is looking pretty old, It has been a year since my last post, so I'll make some aesthetic changes. Hopefully I can transform it within this week or the next.