Saturday, January 29, 2011

The PSP2 Unveiled!


Or the NGP(Next Generation Portable?) - that's what its called officially but I doubt it would be final, remember the Wii? aka Revolution. Unveiled this week at Sony's Tokyo Press Conference. Finally, Sony has done it right.


5" OLED Touch screen (OLED is a wise choice, sharper images less battery consumption)
Dual Analog Sticks
Rear Capacitive Touch pad
Camera (front and rear)
No UMD (games will be distributed on some type of card or through PSN)
High-end Specs (quad cpu, etc...)


Battery (4-5 hrs. and its embedded in the unit)
UI (yep it looks ugly)
Price (not announced yet still with those specs, its clear it'll drain your wallet)

First time I'm excited on a handheld console and maybe the first handheld I'll own, dual analog must be the reason I'm so hyped, playing the PSP just doesn't feel right ;p

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